My Live

My name is Eva.I\’m teenager. I fiveteen,but I don\’t look my age. I\’m beautiful. I belong to the fair sex. I have always atractive outward apperance. My fair hair is blonde colour.

I have dark complexon.My ass is skiny. I\’m takactive, naive, sensitive, loving, brave, defoted, loyal, funny, charming and self-assured. I like picking ap. I wear long earings and hecklances. I\’m nervous,unikid,mood and cheeky.

My hobby is sport: a athletics,a basketball, a volleball and a running. I quite a lot of practise.

I often to anchive victory. I have fait fully crowd. I\’m champion.
I fall love with Eddy. I wos very happy. Eddy with time became my boyfriend. He\’s four years older. I wos going to sleep heppy and I wos walking up happy. I harlly ever hare on argument with Eddy.. We spend hours and days on together with Eddy.

Now I wonna go die. Miracles don\’t happen. I\’m depressend and sad cose my realitons heep with Eddy id over. I\’m very lonely. I would like that He came back to me. I ask him.:\” Came Back To Me Baby Please\”. But there\’s on use regretting cose all that\’s left for me to do is to have faith in mirandes.I hope that you\’ll be back to me. I shil feel affection for Eddy.