Santa Claus

I have a friend called Sam who hates December.Can you guess why? He\’s tall, quite fat and has a large beard. Yes! His boss always asks him to dress up as Santa Claus for the children\’s party,and he hates being Santa Claus! Also some peopele call him Santa Claus and he really hates that too! Sam explains more,\”First of all,I hate the costume. The red and white trousers and jacket look terrible on me.I also have to wear a hat a belt,gloves and boots-I\’m always far too hot.I have to say \”Ho,ho,ho all the time,too.Secondly,the children never say \”thank you\”when I give them a present.I think children nowadays have too many toys and presents already;they don\’t need any more. The presents are very expensive too-why do children only want expensive presents? Thirdly,Santa Claus,or Father Christmas,is not the most important thing about Christmas but that\’s all people think about-getting presents. \”Sam looks unhappy.He really doesn\’t want to be Santa Claus again this year.