Wypracowanie o sobie po angielsku

I am Zbyszek and I am sixteen years old. I live in Lubin, Poland. I’ve got an oval face, short brown hair, brown eyes and big nose. I am thin and tall. My weigh is 56 kilogrames ad my heigh is 1,80 metre.

About my character, people say that sometimes I’m nervous and naughty. But they also say that I’m a helpful, clever and kind person. What can I say about me? Maybe that sometimes I’m shy and miserable.

I like riding my bike, listening to my favourite music and surfing the Net. I don’t like painting and tidying my flat. My favourite subject at school is Math. I hate Art, because I can’t paint very well.

When I come back from school, I go to my home. My flat is small (only 27 square metres) and it has got kitchen, bath, hall and room, when I, my sister and parents sleep. My room has got two parts – for children and parents. In parents’ part there are TV, sofa, table, wardrobe, drawers and window. In my part there are two beds, desk and computer on it.