Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie, matura – Język angielski


wedding – ślub
date – randka
honeymoon – miesiąc miodowy
christening – chrzciny
wedding anniversary – rocznica ślubu
house-warming party – parapetówka
engagement – zaręczyny

mother-in-law – teściowa
aunt – ciotka
cousin – kuzyn
niece – siostrzenica
great-grandparents – pradziadkowie
next doors – sąsiedzi
brother-in-law – szwagier
uncle – wujek
naphew – siostrzeniec
bride – panna młoda
bridesmaid – druhna
bridegroom – pan młody
best man – drużba

Klika zdań:

My mother\’s sister is aunt.
My mother\’s brother is uncle.
Mu aunt\’s children are my coussins.
My father\’s grandparent are my great-grandparents.
My wife\’s mother is my mother-in-law.
My wife\’s brother is my brother-in-law.
My sister\’s son is my naphew.
My sister\’s daughter is my niece.
My neighbours are my next-doors.

A woman who is getting married is called a bride.
A man who is getting married is called a bridegroom.
A best man is male friend who helps the bridegroom at his wedding.
A bridesmaid is a female friend who helps the bride at her wedding.

Siblings – rodzeństwo
offspring – potomek
stepmother – macocha
in-laws – teściowie
ancestors – przodek
descendants – potomek

My child is my offspring.
When my father remarries, his new wife will by my stepmother.
My housband\’s parents is my in-laws.
The people who belonged to my family long ago and are dead now are my ancestors.
My children and my grandchildren will be my descendants.
My sisters and my brothers are my siblings.

Flatmate – współlokatorka
classmate – współlokator
partner – partner
couple – para
fiend – przyjaciel
colleague – kolega
ex-girlfriend – była dziewczyna
stranger – obcy
workmate – kolega z pracy
boyfiend – chłopak
schoolmate – kolega szkolny
relative – krewny
boss – szef
stedy boyfriend – stały chłopak
ex-wife – była żona
twin – bliźniak
neighbour – sąsiad

acquaintance – znajomy
relation – krewny
buddy – kumpel
ancestor – przodek
confidant – powiernik
spouse – współmałżonek
foster parent – rodzice zastępczy
co-worker – współpracownik
descendant – potomek
companion – towarzysz/kompan
landlord – dziedzic
godparents – chrzestni
next door – sąsiedzi
playmate – towarzysz zabaw
tenant – mieszkaniec
compatriot – rodak
half-sister – przyrodnia siostra
lodger – lokator
godchild – chrześniak
pal – kumpel/kolega
forefathers – przodkowie
rival – rywalka

Pozytywne i negatywne uczucia:

can\’t stand – nie do zniesienia
attract – pociągać kogoś
fall for – zakochać się w kimś
look down on – pogardzać kimś
admire – podziwiać
be found of – bardzo lubić
get on well – lubić się z kimś
look up to – podziwiać kogoś
detest – nieznosić
fancy – czuć sympatię do kogoś
bee keen on – bardzo lubić
idolise – ubustwiać
put off – zniechęcać się
fall out with – kłócić się z kimś

Kilka zdań powtórzenia:

– If dont have a brother or a sister you are a an only child.
– When you have an older brother and younger sister, you are middle child.
– Anne married Tom last year
– Jenny is married to Jim.
– Tom and Marry have been going out togheter for three moths.
– My older sister had a impressive wedding ceremony in church.
– Susan\’s parents divorced two years ago.
– Tom and Betty are such a nice couple.
– My brother Peter is 23, I am 22, and my sister is 12. Peter is eldest.
– I split up with my boyfriend. We don\’t see each other any more.
– John proposed to Mary and they got engaged.
– My mother remarried lat year and her new hausband is my stepfather.
– If you live in a big flat and you can\’t afford a rent, you may let one room to lodger.
– Nowadays, single-parent families are becoming more and more common.
– I like Katy very much but her boyfriend really puts me off.

Common – wspólny
single – singiel
pregnant – w ciąży
ceremony – ceremonia
quarrel – kłótnia
rate – ocenić
reunion – zjazd
anniversary – rocznica
argument – argument
funereal – żałobny
home – dom

– Anne is five months pregnant, she\’s going to have baby in September.
– I often quarrel with my sister and we even stopped talking to each other.
– The number of single-parent families has been increasing due to a high divorce rate in recent years.
– I have a lot in common with Jane. We get on really well.
– Mark and Sue had serious argument and they broke up.
– Sit down in this armchair and feel at home. I\’ll bring you some tea.
– Yesterday was my grandpa\’s funreal. I miss him lot.
– Martin and Kate didn\’t have a church wedding. They only had a civil ceremony.
– Next year my parents will cerebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. We\’re going to have a family reuunion.
– A single person is someone who doesn\’t have a hausband or a wifie.